"Somewhere along the way we all go a little bit

mad. So burn, let go and dive into the horror,

because maybe it's the chaos that helps us find

where we belong"

-R.M. Drake

Part 11 - The Pussy Free Adjustment for me

Part 10 -  Living a Pussy Free Reality

Part 9 - ​Serving Up Satisfaction

Think about it this way, if you had done the job of a man, she wouldn't need Her Bulls. Any time I get jealous, or frustrated about being denied Pussy, I have to remind myself Who is at fault for my becoming a pussy denied cuckold sissy? If I am honest in my response, I must admit the blame falls squarely on me.

 Would I really rather the Superior Goddess that I worship and adore lie to me about my pathetic inadequacy and spend her days unsatisfied, unfulfilled and unable to experience the incredible sex life and orgasms she deserves because I am too pathetically inadequate, unbelievably selfish, and incredibly unable to face the reality of my shortcomings? All in an effort to shield my unrealistic desires, fragile ego, and impossible aspirations of measuring up to even the most minimal standards and expectations of a real man? I spent years trying to live a lie, hide from the truth and deny the fact that I would never satisfy Her needs until I accepted I was unworthy of sex with my Goddess and could only satisfy Her with submitting to her completely to a life serving as Her slave.

Three S's Submission, Servitude, and Slavery to the Strength, and Superiority of a Dominant Alpha Female  replace our inability and inadequate attempts to satisfy Her Sexually as beta bitches. It is that simple, we are simply unequipped to satisfy sexually like real Alpha men because our purpose is to submissively Serve them as sissy's and slaves.

 Our true pleasure and happiness comes from living to ensure they are satisfied through our submissive service and self sacrifice to a Superior Alpha Goddess. Because we are not and could never be Alpha men, our submission requires sacrificing our pathetic sexual desires so that they may experience Sexual Satisfaction from sexually Superior and better equipped Alpha Males of the species as we Serve other purposes more suited for slaves and Tiny dick submissive sissy servants. 

Once I was honest with myself in accepting this obvious truth, I could not in good conscious fault my Alpha Goddess for wanting to be satisfied in the manner She deserved rather than subjected to unsatisfying attempts at sex from me as a small dick sissy.

Complete submission to my Alpha Cuckoldress has provided me with purpose and pleasure from seeing Her sexually satisfied by Alpha studs and the unselfish sacrifice of submissively serving the Alpha Superiority of our species. She does not cheat on Her cuckold, rather it is Her cuckolds chance to compensate by letting real men make her cum because we as beta cuck's simply cant.

-Sissy Erica

The longer you are a pussy free cuckold sissy the more your pathetic beta nature comes to the surface. There was once a time when i couldnt imagine going a day pussy free, let alone life. I hadn't met Goddess Roxana yet, I hadnt accepted that my tiny 1 inch dick belonged in panties instead of pussy, i hadnt accepted that I needed a Dominant Alpha Female to control My life or accepted My place as the pathetic beta cuck sissy slave I am today. I was selfish, ignorant and pretending to be something I was not. Until Goddess Roxy showed me My purpose, to serve and devote my life to being Her submissive slave.

The longer I have been pussy free for Roxy, the more I came to understand that it is not for beta losers like me. This was clear from the outset, when I was forced to dispose of My boxers to make room for my panties. Boxers are for men, like pussy they are not for tiny dick losers. Tiny dick losers, i found belong in panties. Not only do they fit us better, but they serve as a constant reminder of our place as beta losers.

Now that pussy, blow jobs, titty fucking and even hand jobs were off the table, an occasional 2 finger tug was allowed when Goddess gave permission, but the longer I was pussy free, the more clear it became that was even to masculine. I was better suited to rubbing my "clitty" like a girl, using 1 finger or a vibrator. How pathetic, how emasculating but how amazing it felt. Since i am too tiny for pussy Goddess was kind enough to allow me to cum in Her worn panties like a girl and soon enough that became my sex life. I looked forward to dirty panties, like a real man would pussy. When u know u are banned from pussy, thats as good as it gets, and all you deserve.

As a beta sissy cuck, you learn to transfer your sexual need for pussy to things that are obtainable in your beta loser life. In addition to Her panties, Goddess Roxy also allows me to worship and at times cum to Her perfect feet. While I worship Her Goddess pussy above all else, that is not attainable to a tiny clit cuck, but the longer I was pussy free the more i realized how lucky i was to be at Her feet in my reality.

The other shift that I noticed is that at some point, after pussy free becomes your reality, you stop fantasizing about fucking. I guess once your mind realizes you are too tiny it resets. Now I am a cuckold in all My fantasies. The fucking is done by an Alpha real man who is suitably equipped to satisfy My Goddess and I get off on seeing Her satisfied the way She deserves or being humiliated about my status as Her cuck and how tiny i am compared to a real man. Even the fantasy of wearing my maid uniform and doing my chores while She is on a date has become intensely arousing, but even in my dreams and fantasy, the fucking is done by a real man not a beta cuck sissy like me. 

-Sissy Erica

Part 3 -  You were created to be a cuckold

FLR today, Roxana Rae's Revolutionary FLW is the Future

For those of you that don't know, FLR stands for Female Led Relationship. There are many different variations of this lifestyle but being a tiny dick beta cuckold to a Dominant Alpha Cuckoldress is among the most pathetic lifestyles a submissive slave can become a party to as relationships are concerned.

Obviously, such a lifestyle subscribes to the Matriarchal philosophy of social order adhering to the truth of the premise that the Female naturally does and should assume the Dominant status in all aspects of our societal hierarchy as the true superior gender of the species, and among these the Dominant Alpha Goddess, the likes of Size Queen Cuckoldress Roxana Rae assumes the mantle at the top of the top of the Superior Female Gender.  From this lofted position down to even the beta Female class all Females assume a Superior position to the less evolved, less intelligent and more impulse and pleasure driven male gender of the speceies, which at times have had fleeting moments of intellectually promising and progressive thoughts are never the less controlled by their biologically ordained desire for the physical form and nature of the superior Female gender.

These overriding male impulses combine with their nasty, brutish, aggressive, competitive and testosterone fuled animalistic behavior making it impossible to ever sustain productive progressive, rationale thoughts ideas and action, at least without destroying the product of their brief moments of rational lucidity by fighting amongst themselves most often for the attention or affections of an Alpha Female.  Thus rendering them unable to ever sustain true progress and productivity by any means other than physical dominance intimidation and aggression. The inferior male disposition can be measured in his prelude to patriarchal competitive combat "may the best man win" which to his own detriment assumes the impossible notion that all of "mankind" could ever win by working together. Hence their ultimate subjugation to the Superior Female form and process which is enlightened by a more Keen and receptive outlook on communication, cooperation, emotional awareness and greater attention to detail by virtue of realizing that everything should be in its place, as there is a place for everything.

Dominant Alpha Males do serve a purpose in a Female Led Relationship and/or society but it is still rightfully on bended knee at the feet of their Superior Female counterparts. While they are superior to the most pathetic of all the submissive beta males, who for most purposes are considered cuckold sissy slaves as they are not equipped to perform the true male reproductive function, thus they are often relegated to the status of beta cuckold sissy to their Alpha Cuckoldress and feminized to reinforce their submission and relegation to the role of submissive female duties and chores. This is true now that their superior Female counterparts have ascended beyond this function to more important intellectually demanding roles and status suited for their superior performance, quality and capacity for thought.

The beta males cuckold is thus relegated to the role of completely emasculated submission and slavery belonging at all times at the feet of their Dominant Female owners as slaves who do as they are instructed by their Superior Female owners at all times. While Alpha Males at least possess the attractive function and purpose for pleasure and reproduction to the Superior females that same animalistic quality relegated them to an inferior status as a toy to superior Females even though some like animals find it difficult to accept their inferiority and like animals lash out of egocentric longing, they are all ultimately slaves to their testosterone driven phallic nature and thus subject to the control of superior females.

We beta cuckolds have accepted that we are not even real men. Not only are we inferior to Superior Females intellectually but we are also completely physically inadequate with tiny small reproductive organs that are physically incapable of providing physically pleasure or reproductive results due to our pathetically small penis, tiny balls, frail or undesireable physical stature or complete inability to perform our intended physical function in a manner suitable to our Alpha Cuckoldress.

Once we are enlightened, realize and accept this, it takes a Dominant Goddess like Roxana Rae to emasculate, feminize, enslave, cuckold, and recondition us into proper beta sissy slave to obediently serve at Her Superior Feet. That is a place that a tiny dick loser, sissy, submissive slave, cuckold, or any enlightened male can aspire to. Female Led Relationship today, but Alpha Cuckoldress Roxana Rae is creating The Female Led World of tomorrow, one slave at a time, will you be next to submit to Goddess Roxana's FLW Revolution? Bow down and beg today, for a better tomorrow.

-Sissy Erica​

Since making me Her cuckold Goddess Roxana has taken complete control of my life, my clit, and has the final say in everything I do. She owns me as Her cuckold slave and my life has taken an infinitely better turn since She demanded my submission and I obediently began to accept my new role as her beta cuckold in our pure Female Led Relationship. Whatever shreds of masculinity I had left have been completely stripped away and in accepting my new role in panties at Her superior feet, I am now thankful for the purpose serving Her perfection has given to everyday. I no longer have the pressure of pretending to be a man everyday to impress Her when that is something she knows I am too pathetic to ever be for an Alpha Goddess like Her. I have accepted and embrace the fact that I am a submissive cuckold sissy, and She is my Superior Dominant Alpha Goddess. She will always be in charge, tell me what to do and do whatever She pleases without complaint or objection from me. My role is to serve and obey Hee because I am too pathetic and inadequate to satisfy Her Sexually the way a FemDom Goddess deserves. She has exploited my pathetic foot fetish to turn me into Her little foot Bitch as well. Her used panties and sweaty feet are the only sex life I know now, it is more than a tiny beta cuckold deserves from his Cuckoldress and all I need now to be completely owned enslaved and pussy whipped by a Perfect Pussy that I am no longer even allowed to see outside of panties. That is reserved for Alpha Men that are capable of satisfying my Size Queen Cuckoldress, what remains in Her sexy panties after Is as close to her Pussy as I get to be as a cuckold. While She flirts with Alpha Men in front of me, I can't act on my jealousy, because she deserves to be satisfied Sexually in ways I am completely incapable of ever fulfilling. However She is still kind enough to save me Her panties each day which is an incredible honor each time She bestows them upon me and indulges my beta foot fetish by putting me in those panties and allowing me to worship Her perfectly pedicured feet while she shares Her sexy FemDom stories with me as I massage the feet of my Cuckoldress after her evenings with Alphas. Alphas get pussy She tells me like a mantra repeating in my head, betas get panties.....once we accept this basic premise we are free to submit and become the slaves we are born to be......

-Sissy Erica

official website

My Emasculation began with giving up the false front I had been displaying to the world and accepting my true place as a beta sissy for Goddess Roxana. My Emasculation began by giving up wearing boxer shorts and briefs. My Cuckoldress replaced them with satin panties and as a cuckold my tiny clit was shaved and tucked away in pretty satin panties where it belongs. Goddess Roxana was kind enough to do this so Her sissy cuckold would always be reminded of her true place as a sissy and not a real man. My toes were painted and I was given a French maid uniform to wear with my panties and stocking as I began to learn my daily duties as a sissy cuckold. I became a maid, a secretary a cook, and above all a true feminized submissive servant to my Cuckoldress. I began to embrace my new role as the thin shreds of manhood I had clinged to were stripped away and the feminization reinforced my new role and place in life as I happily learned and loved to serve My Cuckoldress and do my beta cuckold duties with pride. It is the acceptance of this role that enlightens a cuckold to their purpose.  Being a cuckold means complete submission of yourself to your superior Cuckoldress, in my case it is Goddess Roxana Rae. It is a process of accepting ownership, accepting your inferiority and accepting that your life is better at the feet of a Superior Dominant Alpha Goddess than it could ever be trying to hide your true beta nature when you know your life is always better under Her control. Goddess Roxana owns you, accept it. You yearn to be Her slaves, her beta cuckold sissy because you are not a real man, you will never be one. Stop pretending it could be different, you are not an Alpha, you are an unfuckable cuckold sissy, that belongs in panties, worshiping at the feet of a true Goddess. Submission means acceptance of your rightful place cuckold. Bow down, beg to kiss the feet of your Cuckoldress and accept Her as your Alpha. Tell Her you know that She deserves to be worshiped and you submit completely  to your Goddess. Submission is the only way and devotion to your Alpha Cuckoldress is your path to becoming a true beta cuckold.

- Sissy Erica


It is actually amazing how quickly the Alphas of the world pick up on the fact that you are a beta sissy once you stop pretending to be something your not. They sense it and just start telling you what to do, because your place in the societal pecking order is now clearly defined. You start to automatically obey, which is not really an option when you serve a Goddess like Roxana that demands total obedience. Your beta world revolves around the wants and needs of your Dominant Alpha Goddess. As Her cuckold, I attend to my daily chores and then make sure to have Her home in the condition She prefers when the head of household returns from a long day in the competitive Alpha world. Her meal is prepared, bed is made, dog walked, laundry done, candles lit, favorite programing on TV, and of course Her sissy is properly attired, ready to remove Her shoes and worship the feet of her Goddess to relax her Dominant Alpha Cuckoldress like a well trained obedient little beta bitch.

Think you have what it takes to really serve a Dominant Alpha Cuckoldress like Roxana Rae? Few submissive slaves are as lucky as I am to serve 24/7, but there is always room at the feet of Goddess Roxana for more true beta cuckold slaves that are willing to prove worthy of serving with obedience and actions rather than words and promises. Goddess Roxana deserves only the best slaves in Her stable of submissive servants.

-Sissy Erica

Part 4 - Emasculation

Part 2 -  Accepting the truth, becoming beta

The worst part about being a pathetic little sissy cuckold with a non existent Dick for Cuckoldress Roxana Rae is knowing that you have the same desire for her, the same sex drive to want to be inside Her the same helpless yearning to satisfy Her as a real Alpha Man does. But when it comes down to it, you know you're just to tiny to ever do anything about it. As much as you want her perfect body, you know your tiny beta baby dick is too tiny to ever get her in the mood, turn her on or make her Horney so like a good pathetic little cuckold you just wait for her moist wet panties and feet to worship like a good bitch because you know that's all a cuckold like you deserves. Her perfect body, breasts, legs, and pussy, those are for real Alpha Men, cuckolds get little dick loser left overs if we are good.  Stinky feet, dirty panties and that's all a pathetic beta loser with a 1 inch clit deserves from a Cuckoldress like Roxana Rae.

-Sissy Erica

It's not easy for most cuckolds to accept the truth.....that they are inadequate Sexually, too tiny to satisfy the Goddess they worship, the Pussy they crave and often the Dominant Alpha Woman that has complete control over their beta life. Many fantasize about the reality I live serving a Dominant Goddess like Roxana, devoting their lives completely to Her will, Her way and Her whims because you know inside how superior She is to you. That your life would be so much better if you could just she'd traditional gender roles and openly admit to the world that She is your Alpha, the head of household, the sole decision maker, the Man or Woman of the house and you are just her pathetic little beta cuckold. Not the man, not even a man, but rather a submissive little obedient slave that belongs in a pair of panties at Her feet  because he has failed as a Man and thus she has taken over the role of Alpha from you forever. Because She is more intelligent, more aggressive, more dominant, more confident and better equipped to control your little beta life. It's not easy to admit to yourself that as a cuckold you are completely pussy whipped by a pussy that you are not allowed to fuck, accept that you are too pathetic for Her to suck and embrace the reality that Her worn panties are your new pussy and instead of fucking Her, you will be forever greatful that She allows you to worship Her feet. This is your ultimate fantasy when you are honest with yourself, to see her flirting right in front of you with the Alpha Males that can give Her the real pleasure that you could never provide. Fighting the jealousy and arousal you feel from the thought of your Alpha Goddess being Sexually satisfied the way that she deserves, as you watch, or wait patiently in in Her panties for her to return from Her dates with Alpha studs doing the chores She assigned and acting as her maid only to clean up the mess left behind by their alpha fuck fest or rubbing Her feet as She tells you about the incredible orgasms she had from bring filled up and stretched out by an Alpha Monster Cock.  Admit to yourself that this beta fantasy should become your reality. It's no coincidence that these thoughts slip into your mind every time you are aroused. It is not easy to walk from the role society has ingrained you to to occupy but this is not the role you are destined for in life. That is the role of a man, which you are not and could never be. The sooner you accept that your cuckold fetish needs to come true the sooner your purpose in life will find you.

-Sissy Erica

Roxana Rae

Part 1 - My new place in life

When things reached this point and i didnt think i could feel more emasculated, Goddess started taking me out in public and reprograming her cuckold sissy to obediently respond to my beta submissive sissy status in any situation. I learned to give up sports in my free time and be a proper submissive shopping sissy, to walk behind her, carry her purse, speak only when spoken to and serve her every whim at the snap of her fingers without hesitation or question no matter how embarassing, how humiliating or how long she chooses to use you as her bitch boy while she enjoys the luxurious spoiled Alpha lifestyle she deserves.

I do this, knowing she has denied me pussy, is shopping to look sexy for other men, and she will purposefully treat me like a bitch so that others see the power and complete control she has over her whipped little pussy denied cuckold. The most pathetic thing is i couldnt imagine it any other way now and i feel so honored and lucky to serve at her beck and call. I am proud to have her as my Alpha to give me purpose, boss me around, carry her purse, her bags, and even get on my knees and worship her feet when she is done. As i look up at her perfection from my knees i know she does not see me as a man for obediently submitting to this public emasculation but i do it none the less if only to confirm that she is correct in seeing me as her beta cuckold sissy bitch because that is my place, my purpose, and my destiny as a little dick loser, she has put me in the one place i am capable of pleasing her best.

-Sissy Erica

Cuckold Diaries

​A chronical of my sissy's journey from Alpha wanna be to beta cuckold

​(written by sissy Erica)

Bow down and submit

Part 6 -  The Little Things

Copyright 2013. Roxana Rae. All rights reserved.


Making the transition from alpha pretender to full time stay at home beta sissy is a dramatic lifestyle change for any cuckold, but it is also a change that shows your superior Cuckoldress with actions instead of promises that you have truly accepted your place at Her Superior feet as Her lifestyle beta sissy bitch. Many wanna be cucks have the fantasy of living 24/7 in complete submission to a Dominant Alpha Female but when it comes time to actually make the commitment to serving Her as a lifestyle and accepting Her as the Alpha in your life, both publicly and privately the betas ego and pride interfere with acceptance of the reality of Female Superiority.

My Cuckoldress simply has complete control over my beta sissy existence. She makes all decisions for me, and both publicly and privately is the head of household. Goddess Roxana decided that the place for me was at home as Her domestic sissy. I cook, clean, do daily chores, act as Her secretary, foot slave, and when I'm a good girl am rewarded with girl time. She has feminized Her beta sissy to constantly reinforce my role as Her inferior little bitch as I happily do as I'm told and complete the sissy chores Cuckoldress Roxana assigns to me. I take great pride in the role She has given me as Her beta sissy cuck  A submissive as tiny and inadequate as I am Sexually is lucky to be afforded such a chance to make up for her pathetic inadequacy as a submissive sissy bitch since Goddess Roxana made it clear that I'm too tiny to ever be considered a man.


Part 8 - Pathetically Public Service

Being a cuckold sissy really starts to set in when your shame becomes a public affair. Acceptance of your beta status in the world of an Alpha Goddess is one thing, but it's another when She has broken you, made you accept your infèriority to Her and submit completely by giving her complete control of your beta existance and made you acutely aware that she no longer could ever consider you a man and will be seen by the Dominant Woman you worship and adore as a pathetic, tiny dick beta cuckold sissy bitch.

Part 7 - Prove You Deserve to Serve

Part 5 - The Cuckoldress Roxana Rae Revolution

Like most closet beta males trying to hide the reality of their shortcomings in an Aggressive Alpha dominated world, I did a good job of hiding my submissive nature for a very long time. I was always aggressive and dominant in athletics and professionally and although I have no idea how, always managed to be the dominant one in my Sexual relationships with females as well. Perhaps that is why none of them ever really satisfied me as I bounced from Woman to Woman in a never ending Rollercoaster of relationships, and experiences that seemed unavoidably similar and synthetic. Even at less than 2 inched hard if enough Women tell you that they love your penis and it's a good size you begin to believe it. If for no other reason than the alternative would require acceptance of your uncorrectable complete Sexual inadequacy. Which as it turns out, is exactly what I needed most, to be put in My place as a tiny dick beta, and made to accept the reality that a pair of a Goddesses worn panties was as close as my tiny clit deserved to get to the Pussy that owned me. Goddess Roxana was the first Woman to tell me the truth and when She did it hit me like a ton of bricks.  Goddess Roxana is both a Size Queen and a Cuckoldress. She doesn't have sex with men under 8 inches let alone my 2 inches which She informed me was not a dick, but rather a clit that belongs in tiny girly panties. From that day forward that is exactly where She has kept my clit, tucked away in Her worn satin panties where it would never again be mistaken for a cock that belonged in boxer shorts. I had a choice, learn to cum like a girl and become Her cuckold, worshiping and serving only Her perfect pussy that I would never be able to fuck or continue pretending to be something I'm not. I kneeled at Her feet and was instructed to kiss them and get familiar as this was my new place in life. She then told me to take off my boxers and handed me the tiny satin panties She had been wearing. She instructed me to put them on. This was as close as a tint Dick beta cuckold deserved to get to Her Perfect Alpha Pussy. She would fuck only real men, we'll endowed Alpha Men and I would worship Her as my Cuckoldress in panties at Her feet. Somehow this seemed Fair. I was too tiny to ever satisfy Her Sexually, but why should She be deprived. Graciously every day She slips off Her panties and hands them to Her cuckold to worship. More than I deserve she informed me and as Her cuckold, I could only agree. This reality is most apparent on date nights, as my Cuckoldress, I help her get ready for an evening with a real man. We pick out the series outfits for him and She chooses lingerie for Her cuckold to wear as I patiently await Her return completing the list of chores She has left for me and hoping she will allow Her cuckold to kneel and worship Her after the date, giving every detail of how he satisfied Her in ways a cuckold like me never could. If I am especially lucky she returned filled with his cum and allows Her cuckold to clean up the cream pie mess left by Her Alpha lover. It is complete emasculation and total submission, exactly what a pathetic cuckold deserves in life.

-Sissy Erica

As a submissive cuckold begins to accept the new role that has become his new reality in life, the struggle with his ingrained masculine identity gradually gives way to a new found desire and sexual arousal from the humiliating alternatives that replace the need for vaginal intercourse, oral sex, etc. As a beta cuckold sissy, for me these surrogates came in the form of an intense foot fetish, a fetish for the worn panties Goddess allowed me to wear 
In place of pussy, emasculating feminization and of course the supreme form of sexual humiliation for a man, becoming Her cuckold.

Having to accept that i was not equipped to satisfy her the way other Alpha men could made the idea of Her being satisfied by another man who was well equipped with a huge monster cock intensely erotic. Once a cuckold really accepts that he is too tiny and inadequate to give sexual pleasure to a Woman he loves and worships it begins to seem logically selfish then to completely deny her that pleasure as the cost of being involved with you.

A cuckold then thinks if it this way, i love her, i worship her, i live for her happiness above all else. She deserves the best i can give her and to force her to live without sexual pleasure is selfish and wrong. Unfortunately there is nothing i can Do about being a tiny dick loser. But i can be unselfish about allowing her to recieve this pleasure from a better equipped man.

Now this can mean having her completely step out of the relationship which pushes you apart or you can accept your place as a good little cuckold and help Her obtain the sexual pleasure she deserves by not only letting her know that you will not interfere with the fulfillment of this need but you wish to be a part of it as her pathetoc little cuckold. The extent of the participation varies greatly from cucks that help their Cuckoldress get ready, pick out sexy lingerie, and dress for the dates, then staying home during the date to clean or do chores until she returns to be greeted by Her cuck with a foot rub while she shares the details of her escapades in detail.

An even more active cuckold might help to actually find suitable bulls for his Cuckoldress online weeding out unqualified suitors or accompany her for drinks only to pay and watch Her flirt with potential bulls, and if all are in agreement be present in the room to witness the pleasure and satisfaction that he could never give his cuckoldress first hand, even preparing her with his tongue or carefully lapping up the cream pie that remains from their satisfying encounter.

All potential scenarios for the cuckold, at the very least still allow him to have some role, place and involvement in her sexual pleasure, even if it is humiliating pathetic, and emasculating. At least he feels he still gets to share it with her, participate and have some role to play in her sex life. This creates a more palatable perception of the cuck's new role. Its not cheating, or a lie. Trust is maintained because the cuckold is included in the experience and somehow the stigma goes away.

Every tiny dick loser comes to grips with his pathetoc reality at some point and with that the fact that women will probably cheat on him because of it. He can try and stop it, concentrate on compensating other ways and force her to go behind hos back for the pleasure she deserves. Or he can be upfront with her and acknowledge his shortcomings so that she can in turn maintain honesty and trust about her needs with then. Therefore a cuckold preassumes she will get her needs met elsewhere and is surprisingly receptive to the reality of his role in a cuckold relationship before it even happens.

Most cuckolds as a self defense mechanism then sexualized their role as an inadequate pathetic cuckold.  Much like small penis humiliation in an attempt to protect their ego from being crushed the shame, humiliation and Emasculation of their reality is thereby replaced with intense sexual arousal. Making the prospect or potential of a painful or degrading experience something that they seek and desire rather than something that can harm them or hurt them if otherwise left to circumstance.

Over time and through experience the fantasy becomes a desire and eventually a fetish. This is how a cuckold is able to accept his inferior sexual role without becoming angry or resentful. It is a process but all beta subs that are denied pussy do find alternative outlets to become their new sex life or the replacement "sex life" is provided by the cuckoldress as in my case Her worn panties became my coveted pussy as her perfect Pussy was accessible only to well endowed alpha men. Getting her panties became like getting sex for an alpha. I look forward to it every day with anticipation and excitement as i do to worship her feet each evening. If you are a tiny dick loser, cuckold or sissy, you too will find your outlet as a submissive slave, but it will not happen until you have accepted your place, your role and your pussy free reality.
Living a Pussy Free Reality

As a submissive cuckold begins to accept the new role that has become his new reality in life, the struggle with his ingrained masculine identity gradually gives way to a new found desire and sexual arousal from the humiliating alternatives that replace the need for vaginal intercourse, oral sex, etc. As a beta cuckold sissy, for me these surrogates came in the form of an intense foot fetish, a fetish for the worn panties Goddess allowed me to wear 
In place of pussy, emasculating feminization and of course the supreme form of sexual humiliation for a man, becoming Her cuckold.

Having to accept that i was not equipped to satisfy her the way other Alpha men could made the idea of Her being satisfied by another man who was well equipped with a huge monster cock intensely erotic. Once a cuckold really accepts that he is too tiny and inadequate to give sexual pleasure to a Woman he loves and worships it begins to seem logically selfish then to completely deny her that pleasure as the cost of being involved with you.

A cuckold then thinks if it this way, i love her, i worship her, i live for her happiness above all else. She deserves the best i can give her and to force her to live without sexual pleasure is selfish and wrong. Unfortunately there is nothing i can Do about being a tiny dick loser. But i can be unselfish about allowing her to recieve this pleasure from a better equipped man.

Now this can mean having her completely step out of the relationship which pushes you apart or you can accept your place as a good little cuckold and help Her obtain the sexual pleasure she deserves by not only letting her know that you will not interfere with the fulfillment of this need but you wish to be a part of it as her pathetoc little cuckold. The extent of the participation varies greatly from cucks that help their Cuckoldress get ready, pick out sexy lingerie, and dress for the dates, then staying home during the date to clean or do chores until she returns to be greeted by Her cuck with a foot rub while she shares the details of her escapades in detail.

An even more active cuckold might help to actually find suitable bulls for his Cuckoldress online weeding out unqualified suitors or accompany her for drinks only to pay and watch Her flirt with potential bulls, and if all are in agreement be present in the room to witness the pleasure and satisfaction that he could never give his cuckoldress first hand, even preparing her with his tongue or carefully lapping up the cream pie that remains from their satisfying encounter.

All potential scenarios for the cuckold, at the very least still allow him to have some role, place and involvement in her sexual pleasure, even if it is humiliating pathetic, and emasculating. At least he feels he still gets to share it with her, participate and have some role to play in her sex life. This creates a more palatable perception of the cuck's new role. Its not cheating, or a lie. Trust is maintained because the cuckold is included in the experience and somehow the stigma goes away.

Every tiny dick loser comes to grips with his pathetoc reality at some point and with that the fact that women will probably cheat on him because of it. He can try and stop it, concentrate on compensating other ways and force her to go behind hos back for the pleasure she deserves. Or he can be upfront with her and acknowledge his shortcomings so that she can in turn maintain honesty and trust about her needs with then. Therefore a cuckold preassumes she will get her needs met elsewhere and is surprisingly receptive to the reality of his role in a cuckold relationship before it even happens.

Most cuckolds as a self defense mechanism then sexualized their role as an inadequate pathetic cuckold.  Much like small penis humiliation in an attempt to protect their ego from being crushed the shame, humiliation and Emasculation of their reality is thereby replaced with intense sexual arousal. Making the prospect or potential of a painful or degrading experience something that they seek and desire rather than something that can harm them or hurt them if otherwise left to circumstance.

Over time and through experience the fantasy becomes a desire and eventually a fetish. This is how a cuckold is able to accept his inferior sexual role without becoming angry or resentful. It is a process but all beta subs that are denied pussy do find alternative outlets to become their new sex life or the replacement "sex life" is provided by the cuckoldress as in my case Her worn panties became my coveted pussy as her perfect Pussy was accessible only to well endowed alpha men. Getting her panties became like getting sex for an alpha. I look forward to it every day with anticipation and excitement as i do to worship her feet each evening. If you are a tiny dick loser, cuckold or sissy, you too will find your outlet as a submissive slave, but it will not happen until you have accepted your place, your role and your pussy free reality.

-Sissy Erica